در نيست
راه نيست
شب نيست
ماه نيست
نه روز و
نه آفتاب،
بيرون ِ زمان
با دشنهي ِ تلخي
در گُردههاي ِمان.
با هيچکس
سخن نميگويد
که خاموشي
به هزار زبان
در سخن است.
در مردهگان ِ خويش
نظر ميبنديم
با طرح ِ خندهئي،
و نوبت ِ خود را انتظار ميکشيم
احمد شاملو
Friday, October 29, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Sunday, October 17, 2004
يکی داره تو من آه ميکشه/من جيغ ميکشم صداشو نشنوم/يکی داره تو من ناله ميکنه/من فرار میکنم صداشو نشنوم/
يکی داره تو من خودکشی میکنه /ميخواد صدای گريه مو نشنوه/
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you, don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight.
Hey you, out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you, with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home.
But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high,
As you can see.
No matter how he tried,
He could not break free.
And the worms ate into his brain.
Hey you, standing in the road
Always doing what you're told,
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?
Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.
Monday, October 04, 2004
((هیچ به هیچ فکر کن.نه به صدر اعظم و نه کاتولیک ها.بلکه تنها به دلقکی فکر کن که در وان حمام اشک میریزد و قطرات قهوه بر روی دمپایی هایش میچکد...))